
Google Adwords Management Services For Ecommerce Brands

Want to start or improve your eCommerce campaigns on Google Adwords?

Paid search is a major source of traffic for eCommerce stores, and Google Adwords is one of the most popular paid advertising platforms. In fact, according to Merkle, Google accounted for 71% of all U.S. digital ad spending in Q2 of 2018.

What Are Google Adwords Management Services?

Google ads are paid online advertisements that are bought by eCommerce businesses to have their product advertised on the top ad space of Google search results. 

Advertisements cost money and ad platforms are complex to navigate, so ad agencies are hired to manage ad campaigns for businesses (especially new businesses) who want to advertise but do not have the in-house talent and resources to handle it themselves.

How to choose the right Google Adwords management provider for your venture

There are countless AdWords management providers out there, so how do you know which is right for you?

Here are 3 tips on what to look for when choosing a provider:

Experience and expertise

The service provider should have at least a few years of experience in running successful ad campaigns. Look for how long they have been as a registered business. Find out on LinkedIn how many people work there and what their level of experience is. You could also try to find any reviews or feedback from the clients they have worked with. There is no clear-cut way to evaluate expertise, but at the very least, make sure they have some kind of proven track record.

Size of the account portfolio

The provider should have a large portfolio of accounts, so they have the experience and resources to manage your campaign cost effectively. Do they have case studies about their Google Ads clients? What was the size of these businesses? How did they improve their results?

Asking the right questions

Anyone can claim to be an expert in anything on the internet. But, how do you know if they are speaking out of their ass, or being transparent and truthful about their claims? The easiest way to find out is to ask the hard questions, in the form of "how" and "why". See how professional and immediate is the response. Usually, the person who is an "expert", has a vast knowledge about the topic and should be able to offer a detailed and logical response(so that the client understands).